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Services - Independent Living

The Vision Institute of SC provides specialized, exemplary services for people who are visually impaired or blind.

Calendar of Events PDF
Collage of new training facility with demonstration equipment.
TVI Specialists provide training and technology to enable adults with low vision or blindness to be independent in their daily living activities. Within our Independent Living Hub, our specialists can assist with:

Assistive Technology
  • Accessibility for iPhones and iPads
  • VoiceOver
  • Amazon products
  • Audiobook and Artificial Intelligence (AI) apps
Low Vision Aids
  • Low vision product demonstrations: Magnifiers, Monoculars, CCTV’s
Orientation and Mobility
  • White cane skills
  • Route navigation and safe travel
A consumer and his daughter checking out a CCTV in our new Independent Living Training Center.

Orientation and Mobility private lessons are available in the TVI office, your home, or in your local community. We can give you the skills and confidence to travel safely and independently, regardless of location!

If you or someone you know would benefit from our services, email us at to schedule an appointment. For more information, check out our Facebook page @ TVISC and/or sign up for our email list.

For more information, please call (803) 627-8847 or email us at