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Our Story

TVI is a non-profit entity committed to promoting achievement, independence and accessibility for people who are visually impaired or blind. TVI was founded in June 2010 in response to a state-wide need for a non-profit organization to assist in providing a variety of services for individuals who are visually impaired or blind.
Two students learning to use iPads
We believe that achievement and independence are different for every individual regardless of age or disability. People have unique needs as well as personal goals that should be considered when determining a plan for service.
TVI assists individuals of all ages with low vision, blindness and deaf-blindness. Teaching staff includes those certified in early childhood education, reading, visual impairments, orientation and mobility (O&M), special education and rehabilitation.

Our instructors for the visually impaired teach students with visual disabilities in the students' school districts and local communities. TVI’s O&M specialists train individuals to travel safely and confidently in the community. Braille transcribers convert printed text to braille for schools, businesses and community events. Other staff members train consumers to use technology to gain access to the printed world as well as provide support for independent living.

Meet Our Board Members and Our Staff